Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Paper Progress...?

Hey everyone!
How's the research coming along? Mine is...well, coming slowly! With everything going on I'm finding it very difficult to find time to work on the actual paper. I'm hoping to sit down and do a bunch of work this weekend...Most likely Sunday mid-morning to probably late-night! Maybe we could all meet during the day and talk about sources we have found and whatnot?? ahhh....

So, I've decided to tackle the generational differences of the digital divide. I have found a few pieces of interesting literature thus far about the potential for the digital divide gap closing due to this huge information technology increase in today's childhood and adolescent generation.

How are you guys thinking of structuring your papers?

Wishing everyone luck!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our Charge

From our Topic sheet:

Computer technology and the Internet have a tremendous potential to increase the quality of life of consumers. However, research indicates that computer and Internet access are not universal. There are segments of the population that do not have access. Please identify a subset of this population and then respond...

We were then asked to respond to a series of questions [which I chose not to add to this post.]
  • November 4th 6th - Lit Review Research Papers are due [Date changed for Term Papers on 10-21-09]
  • December 9th - Group Presentations are due
Now how do we proceed?