Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lets get this ball rolling!!!!

Here it is folks:

o Slide 1

§ Enthralling picture with the title “DIGITAL DIVIDE”

o Slide 2

§ Definition

· “The digital divide refers to the unequal patterns material access to, usage capabilities of, and benefits from computer-based information and communication technologies that are cause by certain stratification processes that produce classes of winner and losers of the information society, and of participation in institutions governing information and communication technologies and society,” (Fuchs 2009:46)

o Slide 3

o Inequality: Who Does it affect?

§ Gender

§ Education

§ SES (socio-economic status)(Including family type)

§ Ethnicity (race)

§ Geographical Location

§ Age

o Slide 4-10ish

§ Identify Group facing inequality (as listed above)

· Reasons/ Literature Why

· Charts/Statistical data

o Slide 11ish

§ Areas of Interest

· Literacy

· Health

· Etc

o Slide 12ish

§ Who Holds the Power (dun dun dun)

o Slide 13ish

§ Light at the end of the tunnel

· Discuss positive trends and data

o Slide 14ish

§ What is being done

· Social institutions

· Laws passed

This is always moveable but this is a basic outline. Let me know what you think!!!!!

As for a game show idea…what about jeopardy??? We can divide the class into different groups and then have them come up with ideas and answers to such things as “Why do you think holds the power?” If they answer correctly they get a point. The first team to a certain goal would win a prize??? I am all about getting people involved! What do you think???